• Seeking direction and guidance in your life?

  • Looking for deeper meaning?

  • Hungry for real conversations with other men?

  • Wanting to be supported within a men’s group?

  • Ready for a community of brothers to call your tribe?


Although Man UPrising is focused on men at midlife and beyond, we joyfully welcome our younger brothers, twenty and up, who want to learn what it means to rise up in their lives and prepare for the midlife journey.

Man UPrising is a community of men committed to supporting one another in discovering deeper meaning, living their true purpose, and rising up into and through the second half of life.

Check Out

The Man UPrising Experience

A Man UPrising Experience (UPx) is where you can experience or “test drive” a downsized Peer Group and see if it’s right for you.

We offer virtual and Denver, CO-based opportunities.

What We Offer..

  • “The Man Cave” is an online community to gather, ask questions, share insights, and engage in live coaching calls and fireside chats with experts on all types of men’s issues

  • An in-depth, multi-media educational experience drawing upon the work of Dr. Viktor Frankl, author of “Man’s Search For Meaning,” and many wisdom traditions

  • The Man UPrising Peer Groups provide you with virtual or in-person peer group opportunities, utilizing the Man UPrising curriculum and trained facilitators

  • Gatherings in Colorado to meet men from all the other Man UPrising peer groups to grow together, and form lasting bonds with like-hearted brothers

  • The Man UPrising Tool Shed offers you an extensive, online catalogue of practical and impactful tools to make profound and lasting changes within your life

“Peer support groups have been a crucial part of my life for years. However, I always wanted a men's group as well. Man UPrising was the perfect way to blend both worlds and has been a transformative experience in my life.”

-Steve Ziegler, Denver, CO

Check Out The Man Cave

The Man Cave is a Man Uprising online community platform where you can participate in live coaching calls and conversations and access multi-media content like “The Tool Shed” and the Man UPrising curriculum. Most of all, you’ll meet other like-minded and hearted brothers who are also rising up in the second half of their lives.

Best of all - it’s free!!!

How To Rise Up…

Man UPrising provides you with two, primary pathways to discover deeper meaning in your life: community and content, both of which are accessible on our virtual platform, as well as in-person Peer Groups and Gatherings in the Rockies.

The heart of the Man UPrising are our Peer Groups.

Man UPrising Peer Groups are groups of seven to nine men who meet monthly (either virtually or in person in Denver, CO) to share their life journeys, learn from one another’s experiences, explore the wisdom of men who have come before them, and discover tools and strategies to live with deeper meaning and greater purpose.

You can learn more about Peer Groups or sign up for the next cohort at The Man Cave.

“The guys I have met through Man UPrising Peer Groups have become like brothers to me. Although I've only known them for a year, it's like we've known each other our whole lives. These are guys with whom I can confide, trust implicitly, and are there for me far beyond our meetings.”

-Phil Owens, Denver, CO



Access to “The Man Cave” - our virtual community

Join The Man Cave


Join A Man UPrising Peer Group

*Paid annually + $250 initiation fee.

Join A Man UPrising Peer Group


Come to a UPx where you can test drive a Peer Group and see if it’s right for you.

Test Drive A Peer Group

“I had never been a part of a Peer Group and wasn’t sure what to expect. Now, I can’t imagine living without it in my life. I look forward to it every month.”

-Chris Pederson, Denver, CO

WHY Rise UP…

I am Dr. Baruch HaLevi, aka “B,” founder of The Defiant Spirit Counseling, Coaching, and Consulting, and creator of Man UPrising, a place and program for men to gather, connect, and grow into and through the second half of life. The second half of life can be the most meaningful, purposeful, and powerful time of a man’s life if he is willing to do his real work – inner work, set new goals for himself, and discover new ways of being in the world. Most of all, during this phase, a man needs a community of like-minded and hearted men ready to finally and fully rise up in their lives.

This is why I created Man UPrising. Are you ready to rise up?

Dave’s “Why”

Steve’s “Why”

Meet our founders

  • Dr. Baruch "B" HaLevi

    Chief Visionary

    Enneagram 8: The Challenger (Drive, Determination, Defiance)

    B is the founder of Defiant Spirit Counseling, Coaching & Consulting and has guided men as a Logotherapist, Rabbi, Executive Coach, and Enneagram Teacher for over 20 years.

  • Dave Mann

    Chief Motivator

    Enneagram 8: The Challenger (Purpose, Strength, Connection)

    Dave is a successful entrepreneur in the construction industry. In addition, Dave has been involved with the Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) and is a master facilitator of Peer Groups.

  • Cam Mochan

    Chief Architect

    Enneagram 5: The Investigator (Understanding, Insight, Clarity)

    Cam is a business owner and entrepreneur with decades of experience leading EO Forums. His latest venture, Peer Group Tools, is a technology platform for facilitating Peer Groups.

  • Steven Ziegler

    Chief Connector

    Enneagram 1: The Reformer (Integrity, Responsibility, Quality)

    Steve is the Founder & Managing Partner of Z3Talent, an executive search firm. He has been an active participant and facilitator of EO, Ascendeur and YPO peer groups for over 20 years.

  • Christian Hageseth

    Chief Evangelist

    Enneagram 7: The Enthusiast (Energy, Optimism, Charisma)

    Christian is a serial entrepreneur, pioneering new directions within the emerging Cannabis industry. He is also a passionate spiritual seeker and self-development teacher.